The Jats are required to marry within their community. A Jat boy marrying a non- Jat girl though not encouraged or approved, is nevertheless acceptable- A Jat girl marrying a non Jat boy is, however, taboo, and, should it happen it is considered a permanent blot of disgrace on the girl's family. Boys and girls of the same gotra are considered brothers and sisters to each other. It is therefore, prohibited to marry a girl of one's own gotra, as that would amount to incest. Marriage within the same village is also not permitted even if the boy and girl qualify for marriage according to gotra restriction. Marriages within the same Gohand are discouraged.

This social system adopted by the Jats has a number of advantages. Racial purity is maintained. Within the bounds of the community, maximum cross breeding takes place which promotes good health and prevents physical degeneration) as it occurs in certain communities who marry first cousins. Boys have a sanctimonious regard for the girls of the same village or Gohand as they consider them as future wives. This also cuts down mutual squabbles of sexual origin.

Widow marriage karewa is not only permitted and practiced but is also a social obligation. One year after the death of her husband the widow is asked in the presence of her late husband's relatives, whether she would like to remarry and if so, with whom. Her choice is expected to be limited to the brothers or first cousins of her late husband. The boy, thus chosen, is obliged by custom and tradition bound to accept her. Widows with children and those past their youth do not normally remarry. The burden of their support is however automatically taken on by the nearest relatives of the deceased.



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